Recruiters Spend Just 7 Seconds on Each Application CV: Here’s How To Make The List


In today’s fast-paced job market, recruiters are spending an average of just seven seconds on each CV before deciding whether to move forward with a candidate. With such a short window to make a lasting impression, job seekers must ensure their CVs stand out immediately. Interestingly, there has been a 150% increase in searches for “how to write a CV” over the past three months, signaling that many are aware of the importance but are unsure how to proceed.

To help job seekers meet this challenge, Velociy has compiled five essential tips to craft a CV that catches the eye of recruiters within those critical seven seconds.

1. Consider Your CV’s Length

Research shows that 91% of recruiters agree that the ideal CV is two pages long. Given the limited time recruiters spend reviewing each CV, it’s crucial to prioritize quality over quantity. However, condensing your CV doesn’t mean omitting key information. Here are some tips to streamline your CV while maintaining its impact:

  • Font Size: Reduce the font size slightly, ensuring it’s still readable. Typically, a font size of 11 or 12 works best for CVs.
  • Margins: Adjust the margins to 0.5, 0.75, or 1 inch to create more space for your content without compromising the layout.
  • Spacing: Decrease the spacing between headings to limit the page length without sacrificing clarity.

2. Have a Clear Layout

Half of all recruiters place significant importance on a logical and clear layout. While it’s essential to include all relevant information, it’s equally important that your CV isn’t overwhelming or confusing. A well-organized CV with clearly defined sections and ample whitespace will be easier to navigate. Ensure that each section has a concise header to guide the reader through your CV effortlessly.

Be sure to include these key sections:

  • Name and Contact Details: Your name should be prominent at the top of each page, alongside your current job role or professional specialization. Include your email address and mobile number to ensure you’re easy to contact.
  • Education and Qualifications: List your educational background and qualifications from most recent to oldest. Include the names of the institutions, years attended, and any degrees or certifications obtained.
  • Employment History: Format your work experience from the most recent position to the oldest. For each role, include the job title, company name, dates of employment, and a brief summary of your responsibilities. Underneath, use bullet points to highlight key achievements, emphasizing tangible results and measurable impacts.

3. Incorporate Relevant Keywords

Recruiters often use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to scan CVs for specific keywords related to the job. To increase your chances of passing this initial screening, review job adverts for roles you’re interested in and note any recurring keywords or phrases. These terms should be strategically woven into your CV, especially in sections detailing your skills and employment history.

4. Include the Right Skills

Your skills can be highlighted in a dedicated section or integrated into your work experience descriptions. If you’re transitioning into a new industry or have limited experience, emphasize transferable skills at the top of your CV. Provide context for these skills by linking them to relevant accomplishments.

Recruiters typically look for a combination of hard and soft skills. Hard skills are technical abilities specific to your field, while soft skills are more general attributes like leadership and communication. Emerging industries increasingly demand proficiency in specific hard skills. According to Velociy, some of the most sought-after hard and soft skills include:

  • Hard Skills:
    • Data analysis
    • Artificial intelligence
    • UX design
    • Cloud computing
  • Soft Skills:
    • Leadership
    • Project management
    • Communication
    • Teamwork

5. Get a Second Opinion

Nearly 9 in 10 job seekers make avoidable mistakes on their CVs. Proofreading is vital to ensure your document is error-free. After carefully reviewing your CV, have someone else read through it to catch any mistakes you might have missed.

Velociy offers a free CV review service in partnership with TopCV, providing personalized recommendations and expert feedback within two days of submission. This service can help you refine your CV to meet the high standards expected by recruiters.

In summary, to stand out in a competitive job market, you must create a CV that immediately grabs attention. By following these tips, you can optimize your CV for the quick glance recruiters give and increase your chances of securing an interview.


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